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所以这里操作就简单了,先关闭你的VPS,然后选择左侧的Migration菜单下的Migration to another DC,然后下一步下一步即可。






It appears that IP is blocked by GFW.

It is quite easy to verify if your VPS IP was banned by the Great Firewall of China.
As you can see, the VPS responds normally from all countries except for China, where we observe 100% packet loss.
This output may be a bit confusing at first. One would think if an IP was being blocked by a firewall then a traceroute or mtr report would start showing packetloss right after China (where firewalling takes place), however in the above example we can clearly see that only the last hop is affected. This is because GFW is set up so that only return traffic from a certain IP located outside of China is blocked. In other words, GFW does not track packets leaving China; it only tracks packets heading back into China. This means that when you perform a traceroute, only ICMP response packets sent by the last hop (final destination IP) back into China will be affected by firewall. Intermediary hops will not be affected.

Most common reasons of a GFW ban:

* pptpd based VPN (most common)
* unencrypted socks4 or socks5 proxy
* shadowsocks with weak encryption (use AES)
* in some cases openvpn can trigger the ban as well, however we have not been able to gather enough statistics regarding specific scenarios

We found that generally GFW automatically removes the ban when it can no longer detect the "prohibited" service for a few hours to a few days. The best solution in the case of a ban would be the complete removal of all service(s) that could trigger the ban and waiting for some time for the ban to be lifted.

Please keep in mind that we do not have any control over GFW, and we do not know much about how it works. It is our responsibility to make sure our hardware and network stay fully operational, and GFW-related issues are out of scope of our competence.

We know that in some cases our customers are able to clean the ban, however we do not have specific information as to how this is done.

Other customers end up requesting a new IP address. Generally we do not offer IP changes, however considering the issue we can change the IP for you. Due to the manual work involved as well as to compensate for the cost of IPv4, we would have to bill $19.00 for this service. Your VPS will be assigned a new IP address from the available pool (and we will make sure the new IP is accessible from China when we activate it). Please let us know if you would like to proceed with this option.

Thank you.

Daniel Clay
Bandwagon Host / IT7 Networks






  • 本文由 发表于 2017年10月19日 21:21:59
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搬瓦工和Vultr的六大特性对比 VPS周边


搬瓦工属于加拿大IT7主机服务商的,IT7成立于2004年,主要提供OVZ 和KVM架构的VPS,以高性价比赢得了大量的用户,国内也有大批的粉丝,最便宜的49.9美元一年的VPS 简直比虚拟主机还更便...
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